The Corporate KPI set was reviewed to ensure all indicators provide the right balance of information to manage the council’s services against officer’s time to provide performance updates. The KPI set for 2020/21 was approved by the P&R Committee in October 2020.

For 2021/22 it is proposed that the following KPIs be removed from the corporate set:


Corporate KPI 2020/21

Status in 2021/22


Number of Delayed Transfers of Care (DToC) per 100,000 population

Data set for this KPI no longer produced by Department of Health. Work will continue to be managed at Service level.


Number of initial complaints (Stage 1) received by the corporate Customer Feedback Team [Corporate - council

Propose to delete this given the number of complaints will be included in the KPI ‘Stage 1 to Stage 2 complaint escalation’ + detailed complaints analysis gets included in the annual P&R Customer Insight report. Complaints are also reported to Executive Leadership Team/Directorate Management Team quarterly.


Number of compliments received from public and external partners [Corporate - council]

Propose to delete this given it gets included in the annual P&R Customer Insight report + gets reported to the Executive Leadership Team/Directorate Management Team quarterly.


New Indicator under construction to replace Corporate KPI High priority Health & Safety audit recommendations progressed within agreed timescales (agreed by Members)

Agreed for inclusion in 2020/21 set but construction of this indicator delayed due to a combination of the pandemic and HSE investigation. An appropriate measure will be developed for 21/22 which will be the baseline year.


% change in private sector jobs [Corporate – City]

This data will be included in the indicator: % change in the number of jobs [Corporate – City]


For 2021/22, it is proposed by the Cross Party KPI Development Group that the following KPIs be introduced to the corporate set:



New Corporate KPI 2021/22

Reason for inclusion


% of Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations requests responded to within 20 working days [Corporate Council]

Included as a Corporate KPI at the request of KPI Cross Party Members Working Group


In addition to the above the following KPIs will not feature in the 2021/22 set as school exams are not taking place in 2021, but will be included in the 2022/23 set:

·         The average Progress 8 score of disadvantaged pupils all pupils attending state funded schools at the end of Key Stage 4 [Corporate - council]

·         The average Progress 8 score of children in care in state funded schools at the end of Key Stage 4 [Corporate - council]

·         % of disadvantaged pupils attending state funded schools achieving the ‘expected standard’ in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2 [Corporate - council]